[[Graphic: Easter proving ground]]
© according to Silvia Kienesberger / iStock
[[Graphic: Easter proving ground]]
© according to Silvia Kienesberger / iStock

We wish you good weather for the Easter holidays for nice trips with friends or family, lots of colourful eggs and a hard-working Easter bunny!

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[[Photo: watered vehicle dynamics area]]
© Aldenhoven Testing Center

For training for proving ground qualification and for vehicle tests that require wet asphalt, we now have the option of watering a large part of our vehicle dynamics area.

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Vehicle dynamics area   Company  

[[Photo: Handover of the colouring and workbooks]]
© Aldenhoven Testing Center

Especially that of children, the most vulnerable road users. That's why it's no question for us that we make an annual contribution to road safety education: with the coloring book and the workbook for cycle training. It helps children to cycle safely in road traffic.

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Partner   Company  

[[Photo: Cyclist]]
© Edwin Tan / iStock

Spring can't come soon enough for all two-wheel fans. This also applies to the members of various cycling clubs, who are welcome guests at our centre. No wonder, as many members of our team at the Aldenhoven Testing Centre are also passionate cyclists.

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Partner   Event   Track  

© Aldenhoven Testing Center

The European New Car Assessment Program (Euro NCAP) is known for its star rating of safety aspects in the event of an accident. For many years, the main focus has been on the phase before the accident, i.e. avoiding it or at least minimizing its consequences. Our proving ground offers the opportunity to carry out many tests according to these test protocols. Various track elements are available for testing standards for adult occupants and children, pedestrian protection and supporting safety systems.

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Partner   Strecke