[Group photo: f.l.t.r. Micha Lesemann, Anette Winkler, Stephan Schneider]
© Aldenhoven Testing Center
[Group photo: f.l.t.r. Micha Lesemann, Anette Winkler, Stephan Schneider]
© Aldenhoven Testing Center

The 4th edition of the event was a complete success! Nathanael Liminski, Minister for Federal and European Affairs, International Affairs and Media of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, welcomed the guests on board the MS RheinMagie. Over 600 participants from business, science, politics and administration came together to follow exciting panels – including a highly topical subject: mobility of the future.

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Event   Company  

[Foto: Ausstechform in Autoform mit Tannentaum auf Dach]
© ThomasVogel / iStock

Christmas is 97 days away. Are you already planning your team event?

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Event   Track  

[Image gallery of the world record race]
© Klaus Liebertz

On Saturday, August 31, a real world record holder was with us: Nicola Walde from Weil. She was the first woman in the world to cover 1,173 kilometers in 24 hours - and she did it with pure muscle power. The woman from Weil has already set several world records, the last one in July 2022.

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Partner   Event  

[Traffic sign Attention]
© Teka77 / iStock

We not only test vehicles and organize events, but also offer driver safety training. Just like a few days ago, when trainers Joachim Karbach and Carlo Scherer held a chief driver training course at our premises in Aldenhoven.

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Partner   Safety  

[Solar team]
© Aldenhoven Testing Center

A few days ago, the solar team from TU Eindhoven visited us. Two solar-powered vehicles were used, including one for off-road driving. New braking systems were adapted and tested in the oval circuit during deceleration tests until they came to a standstill. Each solar car was accompanied by another vehicle with a safety team.

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Partner   Oval circuit