Our urban test environment is, of course, well known to you as our customers. This is one of the reasons why we have been awarded the Rhineland Genius Innovation Prize by the Metropolregion Rheinland e.V. (MRR). Prof. Dr. Christiane Vaeßen, Managing Director of the Aachen Region, and Ulla Thönnissen, Co-Managing Director of the MRR, presented the award to our management together with the District Administrator of the Düren district, Wolfgang Spelthahn.

"Researching and testing typical urban traffic situations is essential if connected and autonomously driving cars are to function safely and reliably in our inner cities. The ATC's urban test and validation environment for automated driving sets the framework for researching, testing and safeguarding autonomous systems and vehicles in urban road traffic of the future," Prof. Dr. Christiane Vaeßen explains her nomination.

Ulla Thönnissen presented the awarding of the prize: "With the prize winners, we represent a broad variety of innovative ideas in the Rhineland. With their ingenious ideas in the various sectors, they make an important and direct contribution to strengthening the Rhineland Metropolitan Region as a business location and are therefore fully deserving of our "RHEINLAND GENIAL" innovation award. We warmly congratulate the Aldenhoven Testing Center".

Our entire team is delighted about the award and the recognition of our work and says from the bottom of our hearts: thank you!

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[Plakette Innovationspreis]
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