Today, Friday June 25, 2021, structural change in our region will once again be in the spotlight: this time, the Revierkonferenz will take place at Seepark Zülpich. Viewers can be present from 2 to 4 p.m. via the livestream, which is available on the website as well as on the YouTube and Facebook channel of the ZukunftsagenturRheinisches Revier.

The focus will be on the topics of funding programs and support for the Rhenish Mining District, Economic and Structural Program 1.1, and land development. The Aldenhoven Testing Center is a successful example of the past structural change resulting from the end of coal mining. Now the Future Mobility Park is to be built around our testing center, providing a home for new jobs in the current structural change resulting from the end of lignite mining and power generation.

For more information and the program of the district conference, click here!

[Foto: Luftaufnahme]
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