On June 22 and 23, 2022, the final event of the joint project @CITY took place at our Aldenhoven Testing Center. For this, 15 partners from the automotive and supplier industry, universities and research institutes joined forces to advance the topic of automated vehicles and intelligent urban traffic of the future. The aim of the project was safe, stress-free, efficient and comfortable urban driving thanks to novel automated driving functions.

As part of its specialist program "New Vehicle and System Technologies", the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Actionis supporting the initiative with the topics of "Sensing the Environment and Situational Understanding", "digital map and localisation" and "concepts and pilot applications". From this, knowledge was gained that was needed in the second project part @CITY-AF, for the realisation of automated driving functions with the subprojects: "Human-Vehicle Interaction", "Automated Driving through Urban Junctions", "Automated Driving on Urban Streets" and "Interaction with Vulnerable Road Users".

For more information, please visit: www.atcity-online.de

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