With 54 pre-registrations, the response to the second edition of the bike race at the Aldenhoven Testing Center was very good. The weather forecast was also excellent with 17 - 19 °C and only a light wind.

A total of 35 people completed the 20 km, 13 people the 10 km, 4 people the 5 km and 53 people the 200 m sprint distance. As in the previous year, the fastest man over 20 km was Thomas Schaaf in 30:27 min, exactly the same time as in 2023, and Tina Zimmermann in 33:00 min for the women. Both also dominated the 200 m sprints with times of 11.5 sec and 13.5 sec, congratulations.

The second edition of the bike special at the Aldenhoven Testing Center was therefore a complete success. Many thanks to all participants, testers, helpers and organizers.

[[Photo: Racing cyclist finish]]
© Stadtsportverband Alsdorf 1948 e.V.